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Course Management

As you read through the  materials in this ePortfolio,  I hope you can see through syllabi, course assignments (located in the Canvas link) the type of assessments and expectations I have of students..  I have tried to create assignments and assessments to make students dig deep into themselves to assist them in finding a direction when in turns helps them focus their energy.  Many of my assignments require students to dig int critical reflection. In my Canvas sites and gallery you will find my face-to-face descriptions of course requirements, assignment directions, and rubrics.


I have high expectations of my students.  I know if I set the bar high they will step up to the plate.  I have toyed with many types of assessments especially when it comes to trying to get students to read a textbook.  This summer, I discarded the old multiple choice quizze on textbook chapters and went to a scenrio based assessment.  Quizzes now requires students to make direct application of the content.  I am willing to take on the additional hours to grade this type of assessment.  I have seen a difference.  I am also playing with different types of rubrics.  It is a balancing act.


If you walked into my classroom on any given day you would see an atmosphere of students talking with each other as friends.  I devote the first couple weeks of a term to building a learning community. I promote an environment where no one is self-conscience of asking a questions or supplying information in a discussion. I try my best to let students know I am approachable and available to help make their journey easier.


Finally, I am NOT a teacher who pulls the same folder from their file cabinet year after year.  I do not continue to teach a course the exact same way term after term.  After each lesson, I reflect on what worked and what needs to be improved upon. Teaching is a living cycle, it is always in motion with constant change. This is one reason I love my job. 


When I engage in reflecting, I review student evaluations from several sections of the course.  I keep current on the latest research and methods.  One of my favorite subjects to explore is generational differences.  I have presented at a couple of workshops and conferences on this topic. It is a challenge to find materials and activities to meet the needs of such a large spectrum of ages in our classrooms.


This is one area in the ePortfolio where you may this there is lack of evidence.  I didn't know I was to keep examples of student's works and feedback I give.  I did create the two galleries below and I hope you find them helpful.

Below you will find examples of students work:

to Evaluations & Observations

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